coaching immersif en Grèce thérapie holistique voyage bien-être solocoaching holistique voyage nature europe coach fitness femme breathwork voyage grece village nature voyage bien-être voyage montagne meditation nature voyage randonnée europe plongée

Immersive coaching in Greece:

An experience out of the ordinary, combining activities in nature in an incredible environment with exercise and wellness, offering you a complete and holistic approach!

MOVE - varied outdoor activites (inspired from yoga, animal flow, crossfit, functional fitness…), adapted to your individual needs: feel good in your body

BREATHE - holistic tools (meditation, breathwork, visualisation and more): feel good in your mind

EXPLORE - reconnecting with nature, enjoying its diversity and recharging your energy, carving your own path: feel in harmony with your environment

Constant supervision in small groups, facilitating authentic communication and allowing me to take care of each person. A way to move that suits your specific needs, goals and wants; to build solid foundations and improve your well-being. True connection with the group, while discovering hidden gems and the real wonders of Greece, far from the tourist clichés.

  • coaching immersif en Grèce thérapie holistique voyage bien-être solocoaching holistique voyage nature europe coach fitness femme breathwork voyage grece village nature voyage bien-être voyage montagne meditation nature voyage randonnée europe plongée
  • coaching immersif en Grèce thérapie holistique voyage bien-être solocoaching holistique voyage nature europe coach fitness femme breathwork voyage grece village nature voyage bien-être voyage montagne meditation nature voyage randonnée europe plongée
  • coaching immersif en Grèce thérapie holistique voyage bien-être solocoaching holistique voyage nature europe coach fitness femme breathwork voyage grece village nature voyage bien-être voyage montagne meditation nature voyage randonnée europe plongée
  • coaching immersif en Grèce thérapie holistique voyage bien-être solocoaching holistique voyage nature europe coach fitness femme breathwork voyage grece village nature voyage bien-être voyage montagne meditation nature voyage randonnée europe plongée

« I think that this Reconnexion week, has been the best decision I’ve made for myself, in my whole life (…) I have met amazing people who allowed me to reveal my deepest desires, but I also challenged and overcame my own limitations like never before (…)”


«A week of Reconnexion to take the leap to adventure, feel free, discover, create new bonds: an unforgettablee experience! »

Marjorie D