4 to 9 travellers maximum, from 749€/personne


Movement (inspired by animal flow, yoga, crossfit...), diving (scuba*) or snorkeling and holistic practices, between wild beaches and turquoise waters… Being an avid diver and qualified PADI Instructor, I will guide you on the shore and underwater, either on the surface with a snorkel and mask or deeper if you’re a certified diver. The holistic practices will take your sensations in the water to the next level: breathwork, meditation, mindfulness…

SCHEDULE: The schedule is of course meant to be adapted, for example to the weather conditions. All the practical details and tips are in the travel guide.

LOCATION: Loutraki, Greece (more informations)

Flexible DATES: available from May to October included. Contact me to find the ones that suit you best and customize your program!

Scuba catalogue: possibility to modify, choose dates and focus specifically on diving (customized rates).


Barefoot beach walk (grounding), and anchoring, followed by a movement session by the sea. Then, we’re discovering an idyllic creek: pre-dive workshop to set yourself up for better underwater feelings, snorkeling and learning 4 breathing techniques in this gorgeous setting.

voyage bien-être solo  voyage nature  plongée grèce


Second movement practice, a powerful visualisation and complete surrender with some floating therapy and shaking. We continue the day with the visit of the ancient temple of Hereion, and the Blue lake. This mystical place calls for an enchanting snorkeling adventure, followed by 3 complementary breathing techniques.

voyage bien-être solo  voyage nature  plongée grèce


A method of mental rehearsal, targeted movement and we’re heading to our first dive and/or a new snorkeling spot, to already experience the difference in the water. I am then sharing an after-dive routine, and self-massage for recovery. Finally, we talk about ACT and how to implement it for aquatic and outdoor activities specifically.

voyage bien-être solo  voyage nature  plongée grèce
voyage bien-être solo  voyage nature  plongée grèce


Movement and meditation workshop on letting go, before driving to Sterna, our dive spot of the day. An amazing wall dive or snorkeling in this creek bursting with life; and a second dive focused on skills and technique or a game on the surface.


Movement session, then we head to Milokopi, the go-to wild beach. On the way down, we practice active meditation. As we leave this paradise on earth, we’re taking a small detour to Fokia, to enjoy its natural arch, caves and clouds of silver fishes. Finally, some NLP, and self-hypnosis to keep your adventure spirit alive.

voyage bien-être solo  voyage nature  plongée grèce


For this extra day, we’re having a boat trip. I will be your Captain, and show you the coast, this time from the sea. First stop: Limenarchis reef, for an unforgettable dive or snorkeling moment. This day will be something else… and if you're lucky, we could even meet dolphins!

voyage bien-être solo  voyage nature  plongée grèce
Ajouter au panier
Ajouter au panier
Ajouter au panier

You prefer booking by e-mail ? Note that your booking will only be confirmed after the payment.

Included in the price:

  • the exercise sessions

  • the holistic practices

  • a travel guide

  • activities on site and the commute to the sites

  • DAY SIX is ONLY included in the premium package

  • the aftermovie is my gift to you!

Not included in the price:

  • plane tickets

  • accomodation

  • transfers between the airport and your accomodation

  • the expenses during your free time

  • diving equipment rental*


Each turtle in the program indicates a possible dive. I am guiding the dive, I’ve done my divemaster in the area and know the best spots. I also take photos and videos underwater. Only for certified divers! Bring your equipment if you wish; or I have an arrangement with a local Dive Centre to get you what you need. More infos on the dive spots in the travel guide.

If you chose the premium package, I can also offer one or two boat dives, including an amazing reef, if the weather allows it.


Location :

Loutraki, Korinthia, Greece

accomodation suggestion :

hotel Pappas ***

book your flight :

suggestion to find the best offers

Dive Centre:

ou book directly with me for a special offer

You want to explore more options and find the exact trip you’re looking for?

You still have questions ?

*GLOSSARY the main holistic practices:

*ACT: ACT therapy is an alternative healing method, focusing on accepting emotions and thoughts rather than suppressing them, in order to help with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

*PNL: NLP is an approach focusing on how the mind (neuro), language (linguistic) and behaviour interact to understand and change the patterns (programs) and reach specific outcomes.

*self-hypnosis: self-hypnosis is a technique where someone induces themselves a transe state, to influence their thoughts or emotions. Especially useful for stress management, habits modifications and self-confidence improvement.

*meditation: Meditation is a mental practice distinguished by relaxation, acute focus and a clear perception. It is used to lower stress, improve cognition and self-awareness.

*visualisation: Visualisation is a mental technique consisting of the creation of clear and detailed mental images in the mind. It is used, for example, to manage stress and for physical and mental conditioning