I created this equipment-free, varied and complete fitness program when I had to do without a gym for a while, so that I could continue to maintain and develop my physical capacities, even when traveling or without equipment.

25 pages e-book with detailed exercises and links to videos.

69,00 €
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programme fitness femme coaching holistique  thérapie holistique programme fitness femme coaching holistique  coach fitness femme coach fitness en ligne PNL thérapie auto-hypnose guidée personal trainer coach personnel fitness coach coach de vie

Intermediate to advanced level

  • 14 filmed exercise sessions, from 25 to 45 minutes, with time stamps to help you find each movement and illustrated summary sheets.

  • 2 types of sessions: 7 strength and cardio sessions, from 35 to 45 min, and 7 mobility, flexibility and recovery sessions, from 25 to 30 min.

  • 25 pages e-book, easy to use on your phone or PC if you're training at home.

  • Ideal for those who want to vary and spice up their workouts, work in a more complete way and achieve effective, fun full-body sessions in no time OR complement their "classic" weight training!

You have questions and want to know if this program is right for you?

programme fitness femme coaching holistique  thérapie holistique programme fitness femme coaching holistique  coach fitness femme coach fitness en ligne PNL thérapie auto-hypnose guidée personal trainer coach personnel fitness coach coach de vie

“Super coach, with lots of varied exercises that were new to me (although I've done a lot of gym sessions), always in a good mood and full of energy. Thank you for these moments, which haven't lost any of their value because they were done remotely.


“Valérie is a great coach, a great listener and a great motivator! Fitness becomes a real pleasure with her. She pushes you to surpass yourself, while respecting your goals and abilities. I recommend her!”

Chloé, student