programme fitness femme coaching holistique  thérapie holistique programme fitness femme coaching holistique  coach fitness femme coach fitness en ligne PNL thérapie auto-hypnose guidée personal trainer coach personnel fitness coach coach de vie



This program is designed to be inclusive, open to anyone, and offers a routine for regaining basic physical condition and learning the main movements. No equipment required.

26 pages e-book containing all the sessions, with detailed exercises and links to videos, as well as advice and planning.

119,00 €
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programme fitness femme coaching holistique  thérapie holistique programme fitness femme coaching holistique  coach fitness femme coach fitness en ligne PNL thérapie auto-hypnose guidée personal trainer coach personnel fitness coach coach de vie

Beginner level, also suitable to ease back into a routine. Program of 8 weeks or more, depending on the rythm of your progress!

  • 12 filmed sessions, 4 phases of progressive difficulty with time stamps to find each movement and illustrated summary sheets

  • each phase contains: a lower-body session (total 4) lasting 30 min,

    an abs and core session, as well as a yoga-inspired flow to work on your mobility (total 4) of max 15 min, a full body and cardio session (total 4) of 30 min.

  • including guided warm-ups

  • 26 pages e-book, easy to use on your phone or PC if you're training at home.

  • I created this program after going through a difficult phase myself, and to meet the expectations of those who want to be guided step by step, and feel good in their body again.

    The plus: spoken guided sessions, cardio protocol included

You have questions and want to know if this program is right for you?

“These summer fitness courses were a real challenge and taught me not only to take on new challenges, but also to tgain self-confidence and believe in my choices as well as my desires. I realized that I could have an unshakable will on the long term.”


“Val was motivating, reassuring and challenged me as the sessions progressed, to the point where I gradually revised my opinion on fitness, seeing it as a source of fulfilment rather than a chore. ”
