I've created this no-equipment, varied and complete post-partum fitness program for young mothers who want to get back into it gradually and recover, feel strong again.

40 pages e-book containing all the sessions, with detailed exercises and links to videos, plus advice from a nurse and young mother.

119,00 €
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programme fitness maman programme fitness post-partum fitmum thérapie holistique programme fitness femme coaching holistique  coach fitness femme coach fitness en ligne PNL thérapie auto-hypnose guidée personal trainer coach personnel fitness coach c

Beginner level, also suitable to ease bakc into a fitness routine. Program of 12 weeks or more, depending on the rythm of your progress!

  • 12 filmed sessions (3 per phase), 4 phases of progressive difficulty with time stamps to find each movement and illustrated summary sheets

  • 30-minute sessions in phase one (6 weeks), 40-minute sessions in phase two (6 weeks)

  • warm-ups and cooldowns included

  • 40 pages e-book, easy to use on your phone or PC if you're training at home.

  • When one of my clients, whom I accompanied throughout her pregnancy, wanted to get back into exercise after giving birth... I thought of the other young mothers I'd met and decided to create this program to help them get back on the move, feel fit and take care of themselves. We're taking it easy, but making real progress! In 2024, I'm happy to finally be releasing this program following the birth of one of my close friends.

You have questions and want to know if this program is right for you?

programme fitness maman programme fitness post-partum fitmum thérapie holistique programme fitness femme coaching holistique  coach fitness femme coach fitness en ligne PNL thérapie auto-hypnose guidée personal trainer coach personnel fitness coach c

“A very dynamic coach who conveys enthusiasm and motivation. Adapts to individual needs.”


"Valérie is an exceptional coach. She adapts the programs to her clients and takes into account everyone's concerns. She is caring. She always has a smile on her face. I recommend her 300%"
