You know how they tell you, find your “niche” and stick to it? Turns out, I don’t really like labels. They limit us. Although understanding and recognising who we are is definitely important, we are evolving and changing at every moment. So I thought I’d rather talk about what I do, what I share along my own journey and let you figure out who I am for yourself!
Instead of quick fixes, I understood that the real change would take time, and involve more than workouts or better daily routines. Of course, fitness is a foundation of my day-to-day life, and it’s so rewarding to help people find joy and freedom in movement again; or even for the first time. Since 2016, I’ve been working with clients from all ages, backgrounds, and with unique needs, challenges and desires. It’s an ongoing learning process, and I’m glad I can pull the trigger when it’s needed. As for my personal practice, I’m a hybrid athlete: I lift, flow, run, hike, practice yoga, dive; adapting my training throughout the seasons and always focusing on outdoors, natural living.
It’s always a balancing act, a work in progress. I’m obviously not perfect, I also lose my way sometimes, but by helping others; I feel more aligned. I guess my core values are grounding me enough these days. Respect towards others and the environment, critical thinking, curiosity towards life and yourself; but also, of course, trust in the way it’s all unfolding, hope for brighter days after the storm. Reconnecting with nature is key, and I’m all about getting outside, hiking, walking barefoot, remembering to appreciate the little details, every single day. Memento mori, remember you will die…
Valérie Demesse, certified personal trainer, registered yoga teacher, author and wellness trips creator, PADI Instructor, EFR instructor, life coach and PNL, ACT, hypnotherapy, meditation & breathwork - pranayama coach.